The Earth's species diversity from unicells to mammalians depends not only on the time-scale but also on the natural conditions critically varying repeatedly over the Earth's history as a result of alternation of the periods favorable for flora and fauna development and periods of global or regional damaging natural phenomena of the terrestrial, solar, or cosmic origin. During the last 542 My, in the most devastating extinction, 80-90% of Earth's species disappeared and, in two most widely-known extinctions, dinosaurs and mammoths and many other plant and animal species were destroyed. The events, which had occurred repeatedly in the past, will surely happen hereafter, because no principal changes happened in nature. Basing on the PFO-CFO Theory of Solar System Formation and Transformations developed by us step by step in the last decade [1-3], we give a common explanation for these catastrophic phenomena [4, 5], predict the natural events that will precede the arrangement of conditions fraught with harmful consequences hereafter, and consider here the necessary prior scientific and engineering activities capable of minimizing the devastating effect of the next dangerous natural event.
[1] Ostrovskii V.E., Kadyshevich E.A., “PFO-CFO Hypothesis of Solar System formation: its actuality and physical and chemical grounds”, Estoril, EPSC, 2014,
[2] Kadyshevich E.A., Ostrovskii V.E., “PFO-CFO Hypothesis of Solar System Formation: the presolar star as the only source of chemical elements...” London, EPSC, 2013,
[3] Kadyshevich E.A., Ostrovskii V.E., “Development of the PFO-CFO hypothesis of Solar System formation...” Adv. Plasma Astrophys., 6(2011) 95-102, Cambridge,
[4] Ostrovskii V.E., Kadyshevich E.A., “Mass extinctions of species: causes of Phanerozoix extinctions...”, Yereven, Biological diversity and conservation problems of the fauna-3, Proceeding 2017, Plenary lecture, 233-240 (Russian paper),;
Presentation (English):
[5] Kadyshevich E.A., Ostrovskii V.E., “Species mass extinctions and forerunning atmospheric phenomena... “, S.Petersburg, ISARD, (2017)108,