Organisers, committees and sponsors > Scientific committee
Scientific committee (alphabetical order): 1. ALIGNIER Audrey (Agroecology and ecology of agroecosystems, Ecological intercations, Soil Ecology) 2. ATLAN Anne (Interaction of ecological and social aspects in the categorization of spaces and species) 3. AUGER-ROZENBERG Marie-Anne (Biological invasions) 4. AVIRON Stéphanie (Agroecology and ecology of agroecosystems) 5. AYATA Sakina-Dorothée (Trait-based approaches in ecology) 6. BAGNERES Anne-Geneviève (Chemical ecology) 7. BERGEROT Benjamin (Landscape ecology, Urban Ecology) 8. BONIS Anne (Trait-based approaches in ecology) 9. CHABRERIE Olivier (Biological Invasions) 10. CHOLLET Simon (Conservation biology) 11. COLINET Hervé (Ecophysiology) 12. CORTESERO Anne-Marie (Chemical Ecology, Ecological intercations) 13. COUTELLEC Marie-Agnès (Ecotoxicology and environmental pollution) 14. CROCI Solène (Uraban ecology, Remote sensing) 15. DANIEL Hervé (Urban Ecology) 16. EDELINE Eric (Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Theroretical ecology) 17. EVANNO Guillaume (Conservation biology) 18. HAURY Jacques (The role of aquatic macrophytes in the functioning of freshwater ecosystems) 19. LAUNEY Sophie (Conservation biology) 20. LAVIALE Martin (Trait-based approaches in ecology) 21. LE GOUAR Pascaline (Spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystems) 22. LE BAIL Pierre-Yves (Halieutic ecology, Tropical ecology) 23. LE LANN Cécile (Behavioural ecology) 24. McCAIRNS Scott (Epigenetics and environment, Evolution) 25. McDONNELL Mark (Urban Ecology) 26. MARGUERIE Dominique (Paleoecology: how todays ecosystems became what they are?) 27. MASSOL François (Eco-evolutionary dynamics, ecological interactions, theoretical ecology, tropical ecology) 28. MONARD Cécile (Population and community ecology: from micro to macroorganisms) 29. MONY Cendrine (Landscape ecology, Spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystems) 30. MULLER Caroline (Chemical ecology) 31. NELLE Oliver (Paleoecology: how todays ecosystems became what they are?) 32. NEVOUX Marie (Conservation biology) 33. NICOLAI Annegret (Interaction of ecological and social aspects in the categorization of spaces and species, Participative science in ecology) 34. OUTREMAN Yannick (Behavioural ecology) 35. PERES Guénola (Agroecology and ecology of agroecosystems, Soil ecology) 36. PETIT Eric (Dispersal ecology) 37. PINCEBOURDE Sylvain (Ecophysiology) 38. PRINZING Andréas (Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Ecological interactions, Population and community ecology: from micro to macroorganisms) 39. RENAULT David (Chair of Sfecologie2018, Behavioural ecology, Biological Invasions, Dispersal Ecology, Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Global changes and biodiversity, Polar ecology) 40. ROUSSEL Jean Marc (Conservation biology, Tropical ecology) 41. SIMON Jean-Christophe (Environmental genomics, Evolution, Holobionts and extended phenotypes) 42. THIEBAUT Gabrielle (The role of aquatic macrophytes in the functioning of freshwater ecosystems) 43. VAN BAAREN Joan (Behavioural Ecology) 44. VOITURON Yann (Ecophysiology) 45. WIEGAND Claudia (Ecotoxicology and environmental pollution)