Inventory of Culicidae in the region of Kabylia and confirmation of the presence of Aedes albopictus in Larbaa-Nath-Irathen
Karima Brahmi  1@  
1 : département de biologie  (LBA)
université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi ouzou -  Algeria


Karim BRAHMI*; Kamel Eddine BENALLAL**; REKAI Amar* et BOUDA Sabrina*

* Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et des Sciences Agronomiques Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou

** Institut Pasteur d'Alger, Algérie.


Summary in order to confirm the presence of Aedes albopictus and deepen our knowledge of cullicidian fauna in the region of Kabylia, we conducted a sampling every 15 days in 3 regions (Taksebt, Larbaa Nath Irathen, Mâatkas) between April and the month of July 2016.A female Ae. albopictus was captured, identified and confirmed by the Algiers pastor institute confirming its presence or importation.At total of 4723 mosquitoes were identified belonging to 17 species and 4. Culex pipiens is the most abundant species in the area in the region with 2546 specimens followed Culiseta longiareolata with 944 specimen, the first station Larbaâ Nath Irathen account it 13 speciesKeywords: Aedes albopictus, tiger mosquito, culicidae, Tizi-Ouzou

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