Pollen dynamics sets the tempo of fruiting pulses in oak tree populations
Eliane Schermer  1@  , Marie-Claude Venner  1@  , David Fouchet  1@  , Aurélie Siberchicot  2@  , Vincent Boulanger  3@  , Thomas Caignard  4@  , Michel Thibaudon  5@  , Gilles Oliver  5@  , Manuel Nicolas, Jean-Michel Gaillard  6@  , Sylvain Delzon  4@  , Samuel Venner  1@  
1 : Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive  (LBBE)  -  Website
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR5558
43 Bld du 11 Novembre 1918 69622 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX -  France
2 : Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive  (LBBE)  -  Website
CNRS : UMR5558, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I
43 Bld du 11 Novembre 1918 69622 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX -  France
3 : Office National des Forêts - ONF (FRANCE)  (ONF R&D)
Office National des Forêts - ONF (FRANCE)
Boulevard de Constance, 77300 FONTAINEBLEAU -  France
4 : Biodiversité, Gènes & Communautés  (BioGeCo)  -  Website
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique : UMR1202, Université de Bordeaux
Site de recherche Forêt - Bois de Pierroton - 69, route dÁrcachon F-33612 Cestas Cedex FRANCE -  France
5 : Réseau National de Surveillance Aérobiologique  (RNSA)  -  Website
Association loi 1901
11 chemin de la creuzille Le Plat du Pin 69690 Brussieu -  France
6 : Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive  (LBBE)  -  Website
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR5558
43 Bld du 11 Novembre 1918 69622 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX -  France

In many perennial wind-pollinated plants, the dynamics of seed production, commonly known to be highly fluctuating from year to year and synchronized among individuals within populations, dramatically impacts forest regeneration and biodiversity. However, the proximate causes of such seeding dynamics, called masting, are still poorly understood, making any accurate forecasting virtually impossible. Combining long-term surveys of airborne pollen amount and acorn production over large-scale field networks and a mechanistic modeling approach, we investigated the role of pollen dynamics and limitation on the acorn production of temperate oak trees that are widespread and abundant in Northern hemisphere forests. From this novel approach, we found that pollen dynamics displays masting-like pattern reflecting resource depletion and limited pollen production the year following large pollen release, yet with dampened inter-annual pollen fluctuations compared to those of acorns. Both the airborne pollen amount and acorn production are positively related, according to a logistic function, to increasing temperature and decreasing rainfall in spring. By coupling field and simulated data, we found that the dynamics and limitation of pollen are key drivers of oak masting. Mechanisms at play involved both synchronized internal resource dynamics and depletion among trees, limiting pollen production at the population scale, and spring weather conditions that affect pollen aerial diffusion. The sensitivity of airborne pollen amount (then acorn production) to spring weather should make oak masting highly sensitive to climate change. Thus, with the ongoing warming climate, we predict that the fruiting dynamics, initially unpredictable, should keep highly fluctuating (because of resource depletion mechanisms) yet with much more deterministic variation, which should markedly affect the whole forest biodiversity through cascade effects.

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